Redecorating your home can be an exciting prospect. You moved to Fairway Village in part because you like a beautiful home. However, work done to the outside of homes also affects the values of surrounding properties. Please make sure to follow the process below when making changes. The beauty and value of the neighborhood depend on the cooperation of its residents.
Please note, if you do not get permission to change something – before you change it – the HOA may require you to remove, repaint, or replace what you installed. Members of the CC&R Committee are dedicated volunteers and are available to answer questions. You may also call the HOA office. We want you to have a successful project!

The Process
Do Your Research -
Before you cement your improvement plans, read the CC&Rs and Rules and Regulations Manual from Property Improvement and Maintenance (PIM). For your own protection, check with the city to see if the work falls within code/requires a permit. If a permit is required and you do not obtain one, the city may require you to tear the project down at your own expense later.
Make a Plan -
After reading the governing documents, decide how best to proceed within those guidelines. Write down or illustrate your plans to submit to the CC&R Committee. Take pictures, get color swatches, draw out what you would like the end result to look like. You can attach these plans to your application to give the Committee a better idea of what you want.
Fill Out Applications -
Fill out the online project or tree trimming/removal application. Complete the resident section of the form, and go to the last page and hit submit at the bottom. Be thorough. The form will automatically be emailed to members of the CC&R Committee. Committee Members will make contact with you to discuss the project and possibly take a look at the area. (Also request any permits you will need from the city.)
If you end up wanting to add to or change the project, notify the committee first or fill out an additional application.
Do not begin work before applying or before this visit. The purpose of speaking to the Committee to make sure that the project fits within the restrictions of the Governing Documents.
Please note: If an application is not filled out for the work, or if you add additional work not listed on the application, you could end up having to remove the project at your own cost.
Apply for a Variance Only When Necessary -
If you have extenuating circumstances and require approval for a project that would normally not fall within the guidelines of the CC&Rs or PIM, you may file for a Variance.
The Board of Directors may grant a variance when following the CC&Rs would cause undue hardship to a resident. These variances are given on a case by case basis, and do not reflect a change in the governing documents.
Communicate with Your Contractor -
Make sure that your contractor understands the importance of following the plans submitted to the committee. Changes must be applied for first, because they have not been approved. Example: If the committee has approved a 5 foot fence but your contractor convinces you to build a 7 foot fence afterward, you will be held responsible for the cost of tearing down the seven foot fence and replacing it with the approved 5 foot fence.
If your project does not fit the parameters of the governing documents, but you have extenuating circumstances and would like it reviewed by the Board of Directors, please file for a Variance below. The Board will discuss it at their next monthly meeting. Do not proceed with your project until after it has been approved.