Fairway Village Homeowners Association
The Fairway Village Homeowners Association was formed for the benefit of all homeowners within its boundaries. All residents must be members of the association.
The primary purposes of the Association are to regulate and maintain the Fairway Village clubhouse and other common areas, and to promote a core set of rules that will encourage positive property values. Members pay annual dues that contribute to the maintenance of common areas, the golf course and clubhouse, and staff payroll. As a resident of Fairway Village and a member of this Association, you are strongly encouraged to become familiar with the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions, hereafter referred to as “CC&R’s” and Bylaws, and the Property Improvement and Maintenance Manual.
The Association is owned by the residents and led by a seven-person, resident-elected Board of Directors.
All Board meetings are open to residents, who are strongly encouraged to attend. The only exception is an Executive Session, which may be called to discuss personnel, legal or other sensitive issues as specified in the Bylaws.
Many Committees also function within the Association in an advisory capacity to the Board of Directors. There are also many clubs, social activities, and ample opportunities to get involved with the community.