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Board of Directors Meetings

  • The Board holds two regularly scheduled meetings a month: 

The Board Workshop, sets the consent agenda for the Monthly Board Meeting. Most discussion happens at this meeting, voting occurs the following Wednesday at the Monthly Meeting.

  • Meetings can be watched live online with the zoom link emailed out with the agenda and meeting materials. The link can also be found on the calendar page of this website.

  • Have an issue you would like addressed by the Board? Click the "Add Item to BOD Agenda" for consideration. Or, you may send correspondence to be read via the "Write to the Board" Form below at least one week prior to the Workshop meeting. Correspondence to the Board needs to conform to the following standards:  

  • Must be submitted one (1) week prior the scheduled Workshop meeting.

  • Correspondence should be:

1.  Concise, courteous, and focused on the concern(s) or issue(s) being addressed.
2. Limited to one 8 ½” x 11” page in; font (11 or 12 point). If an issue requires more than a single page to communicate, a one-page summary should be submitted with the longer document.
3. Include supporting documentation, if necessary.
4. Signed by the individual(s) submitting the written correspondence. Anonymous letters will not be read aloud at the meeting, however, they can be read at the meeting without using your name if you prefer.

The preferred method of submitting correspondence is through the website at: Write the Board of Directors; however, hand-written or typed correspondence will be scanned and emailed to the BOD.

Your Board

John Castino - Copy.jpg

John Castino


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Jan Wyninger

Vice President

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Rob O'Gorman


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Roger Thornton


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Barb Moran


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Philip Riedel


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Julie Jordan


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